Wednesday 12 September 2012

Doctor for a Day :)

 We were all doing our Biology Experiment :DDD FROG DISECTION! it was so fun! Icky and yucky tooo!!~~ We strted  with the fish but i din reallly bring a fish so yeah no picture! :P TEacher did a demo for us on the frog and also on the fish. Then we were told to do it on our own! We put chloroform into the frog's container and then let it go to sleep. :) We're good la... we dont torture :P. Then once they're asleep. We lifted one each and kept them on the tray. Then the process begins!

First  ,we spread the legs and pin them down ,Then we lift the skin using a pair of forceps ,then we cut open the frog :) The skin is just the main layer then there is a white tissue inside where we need to cut in deeper :)) After that we pin down the skin. And cute through the tissue to view the organs. I SWEAR! IT WAS YUCK! But i saw the heart beating DUP DAP DUP DAP! even touched it and could feel it beating. I feel sorry for the frog. IM SOrry froggie :( but thank you :))) lol thats all for nw today. :) IT WAS SUPER FUN! Im missing today's bio class already. Time flies when ur having fun kan? Mhmm anyways ttyl byebye people :)


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