Saturday, 19 March 2011

A story to remember...

It was the mid of october when i first met u. I wasnt really that interested at first but my girls told me that if u would talk to me and if u were to get close to me ,i should agree because they said that you might be the best one for me. I agreed to that. They planned many ways for me to get to know you. I kept meeting you at functions. Saw u noticing from a distance. I even caught a glimpse of you smiling and it looked so sweet. :).
Days ,weeks ,even months passed. My family adored you. I started knowing you.Became your best friend. Shared everything. One day ,on the 11/04/2010 ,you proposed. I agreed as i was waiting for you to propose. We got together and was very happy with each other. We talked online ,we even talked the whole day even when there is nothing to talk about. People was curious as they ask "You guys talk from morning till night""What do you guys talk about all day?". I say "whatever we talk about ,its always the main thing i smile every morning till night when i close my eyes". We then use to meet at weddings and many more. Things became interesting for us. I really enjoyed being with you. With you ,i feel different as you told me things i never believed in. You said i could smile all day and it would make you happy to see me smile. You even said that i looked good without make-up. A few months passed but we were as happy as anybody else. :).
We then reached the month of June. It was one of the nights where i stayed back with my cousins at their place. You were there. I was happy to see you as i always am just to see you. we talked the whole night until 7am and didnt feel like shutting our eyes. I was really happy that i had someone who loved me for me.We split the next morning as i had to go home. We were both sad ,yes ,but we still never let the sadness get to us. Months passed after that and here it is ,Its been 10 months we were together. I was very happy with you and thought you were the best person who came into my life and changed everything humanly possible. Suddenly a moment came where you started ignoring me. You hung up on me and switched off your phone everytime i called. You never did reply my messages. It hurt alot to go through that. On valentines day ,i waited the whole day for your call to wish me but you didnt. I thought maybe you would be busy and didint have the time. But never did i see your gift coming to me 2 days later. Well ,2 days later ,i got a text from you saying that everything is over. :(.. I shattered in a million pieces as i didnt expect such a thing. I had my mind set that that was my valentines day gift. It was a sucky one but i got a gift at the end of the day. I cried for days and nights ,even weeks and even when you started ignoring me. I even cry now everytime i remember the moments we shared and things we used to do ,talk about ,and share. From the most smartest things to the most dumbest thing in the world we've done ,i miss them all very much.After loosing you ,i realise i do look good without make up.I even stopped using make up except for grand functions.I realise all the things you used to tell me and i didnt listen ,well they are all true and they all suit me the most.You knew me that well and i guess you were right abut everything from the beginning of our love story. I miss you still. But im happy having you as my friend than not having you at all. I still love you but i'll try not to show that i do. Everytime you walk in and out of my head ,it hurts so much that i enjoy it when you walk in but i drop dead to see you walk out. My friends say that one day you will know what i felt for you and maybe will understand but some people say that i should move on and let you go. Thats the problem ,i try and try to move on but everytime i do ,your memory just flows in my head that i cant move on. I wish things could be the way it used to. I wished we were still together and i wish one day i wake up and on that day i see you kneel down and propose to me once again.But for now ,its the beginning of a whole new chapter in my life as things start to change and take place....

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